If we look at the colleague's dilemma, we Telemarketing List are talking about damage as in: After your report, that colleague is known to management, may receive a warning or lose his job You come to be known as a 'snitch' by other colleagues. It may Telemarketing List harm your reputation if it turns out that that colleague does the work he does very well, or does a lot in a short time and there is not much going on. In your next moral dilemma, try going Telemarketing List through the steps of the ethical cycle.
I am very curious if the outcome is different Telemarketing List than if you do not go through the cycle and act directly on feeling. Will you share it in the comments below? Integrity leadership and reputation management The ethical cycle is described in Telemarketing List the book 'Doing the right thing when no one is looking' by Frank Peters. In the book, Peters discusses his step-by-step plan for integrity leadership and managing your reputation. And Telemarketing List both are desperately needed, because society exerts great pressure on organizations and their employees. Society is jury, judge and executioner in one.
It is no longer sufficient to adhere to Telemarketing List agreements, laws and regulations that have been made. It revolves around the expectations and values and standards of internal and external stakeholders. To meet this, ethical and ethical behavior of the organization is necessary. Integrity is crucial in building and maintaining a strong Telemarketing List reputation. Doing the right thing with moral dilemmas is part of this. The book is of Telemarketing List interest to executives, senior management and other colleagues involved in reputation management.